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A man shouting Weird setting in Midjourney

What is the Weird Parameter in Midjourney?

A man shouting Weird setting in Midjourney

You’re happily playing around with Midjourney, pushing the boundaries of digital art, when suddenly you see it: the mysterious --weird parameter. Before you start pulling your hair out in baffled frustration, take a deep breath. We’re diving into the enigma that is the --weird parameter in Midjourney, to help you master it once and for all.

What Does the --Weird Parameter Actually Do?

Picture this: You’re crafting a seemingly conventional image when you decide to sprinkle in a dash of quirkiness. This is where the --weird parameter comes in. By using --weird, you can infuse your creations with unconventional aesthetics and offbeat charm. The resulting images can be surprisingly unique and intriguing.

This highly experimental feature accepts values between 0 and 3000, with the default value set at 0 for the risk-averse among us. Keep in mind that it’s compatible with Midjourney Model Versions 5, 5.1, and 5.2 but plays a bit hard to get with seeds. In other words, it’s not fully compatible with them. So go ahead, set your --weird values and explore new visual frontiers!

Example of the Weird Parameter in Midjourney

Let’s run through a quick example with the weird setting at different values, shall we? And what better to showcase a weird thing than using a weird image of a weird furry clock? Perfect, right?

A weird furry clock

The default setting of the weird function is 0, so take the above image as the baseline. To apply the different weird settings, I’m going to the original 4 image grid where that clock was located and hitting the variation button, then adding the “–weird #” setting to the prompt box when it pops up.

Now let’s try using a weird value of 500:

The weird parameter at 500 in Midjourney

Interesting but not too weird. Let’s pump it up to 1,500 (out of 3,000):

The weird parameter at 1500 in Midjourney

It threw in a bird this time, weird I guess. And now for the weird setting at the full 3,000:

The weird parameter at 3000 in Midjourney

And…the weirdest I guess. The bottom right one looks pretty strange so I’ll count that as a win. This setting needs a lot of experimenting with but is definitely fun to see the AI’s sense of oddness.

How Do You Use --Weird Effectively?

To effectively use --weird, experimentation is your best friend. Midjourney suggests starting with modest values like 250 or 500. If you find your creations lacking that avant-garde touch, dare to go higher. Combine it with other parameters, like --stylize and --chaos, to create a medley of visual sensations.

To add the --weird parameter, simply append --weird <value> or --w <value> at the end of your prompt. For instance, if you’re envisioning a bizarre yet stylish take on a cyanotype cat, you might input /imagine prompt cyanotype cat --stylize 250 --weird 250.

How Does --Weird Compare to --Chaos and --Stylize?

Ah, the golden question! While all three parameters, --weird, --chaos, and --stylize, serve to diversify and beautify your images, each has a unique role:

  • --chaos: Think of this as the spice rack of your digital kitchen. It controls the diversity between the initial grid images, giving you a varied palette to work with.
  • --stylize: This applies Midjourney’s default aesthetic strongly or softly, depending on the value you choose. It’s like choosing the genre of your visual story.
  • --weird: This is the wild card. It introduces unconventional elements into your image, making it stand out from what you’ve come to expect from Midjourney.

So, next time you’re in the mood for crafting something ‘weirdly beautiful,’ you now have the toolkit and the know-how to make it happen. Remember, the only limit is your creativity!

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