Home / AI / How to Use the Job ID Function and /Show Command in Midjourney?
A robot showing his Job ID and demonstrating How to Use the Job ID Function and /Show Command in Midjourney

How to Use the Job ID Function and /Show Command in Midjourney?

A robot showing his Job ID and demonstrating How to Use the Job ID Function and /Show Command in Midjourney

Navigating through the wide and wonderful world of Midjourney, are you yearning to learn how to conveniently manage and showcase your unique creations?

Well, your worries end here.

Today, we’re unraveling the mystery surrounding the use of the Job ID function and the ‘/show’ command in Midjourney. Buckle up and get ready for a guided tour through this practical and beneficial feature.

What is a Job ID in Midjourney?

Job IDs are the unique identifiers assigned to each image generated by users in Midjourney. Picture your Job ID as a unique passport for your artistic work amidst the endless sea of creations on this platform.

Since the are millions of Midjourney images with more being made every day, it makes sense that each specific one has an identifier.

Each Job ID resembles a long sequence of alphanumeric characters, which, although cryptic, is the magical key to retrieve, manage, and showcase your work with ease in Midjourney.

But the question arises, how do you locate this magical key?

How Can I Find a Job ID in Midjourney?

Fortunately, Midjourney provides several user-friendly ways to spot your Job IDs. Whether you’re viewing your gallery on the web, or surfing through Discord, your Job ID is conveniently accessible.

  1. On the Web: Visit your member gallery, select an image, click on the ‘…’ option, then ‘Copy’, and voila! There’s your Job ID.
  2. From the URL: Your Job ID is the last part of the URL when viewing an image in your Midjourney gallery. Simply copy the alphanumeric sequence right after ‘?jobId=’ in your URL.
  3. From the File Name: Your downloaded image file name also contains your Job ID if you don’t change the filename. It appears as the last part of the file name, before the ‘.png’ extension.
  4. From the image in Discord: If you click to open an image in Discord, then right click and select “Copy image address”, you can then paste that URL into Discord and see the Job ID at the end.

Now, no more endless scrolling or frantic searching for your creations!

How Do I Use the Discord Emoji Reaction to Retrieve a Job ID?

Emojis can also come in handy for retrieving Job IDs in Midjourney. Reacting with the envelope emoji ✉️ on Discord to a completed job will send the Job ID and seed number directly to your direct messages. It’s just as simple as reacting to a message! But remember, this quick trick only works with jobs you’ve created.

What is the /Show Command and How Do I Use It in Midjourney?

The ‘/show’ command in Midjourney is a powerful tool that works in harmony with your Job ID.

First, use the above information to find the Job ID for the specific image you’re looking for. Then in Discord with the Midjourney bot, type ‘/show’ followed by your Job ID to breathe life back into your creation, making it visible once more.

Say goodbye to the fear of losing your hard work or having to dig through miles of chat history!

What are the Practical Uses of the Job ID and /Show Command?

Knowing how to use your Job IDs and the /show command opens up a plethora of possibilities in Midjourney. You can showcase your work on different servers, revisit an old job without infinite scrolling, or even continue working on a shadow-banned job.

These tools are here to streamline your experience with Midjourney and let you focus on the thing you love the most: creating.


With this comprehensive guide on the Job ID function and /show command, you’re now equipped to enhance your Midjourney experience. These practical tools are your best allies when it comes to efficiently managing and showcasing your Midjourney creations.

So step forward, create, display, and enjoy your Midjourney like never before!

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