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What is the Subconscious

What is the Subconscious?

What is the Subconscious

The subconscious is the part of a human’s mind that isn’t fully aware but does have an influence on our behavior. We often think of our subconscious as being dormant and waiting in the background while our focus does most of the work. But it’s merely a function of how our brains actually work. We cannot possibly use all of our knowledge in focus simultaneously, so part of our brains is used to store memories and other information. Psychologist Pierre Janet first came up with the term. Information and ideas in the subconscious can’t be recalled too easily as they are deep in our minds.

How the Subconscious Differs from Consciousness

Think of the mind as an iceberg. The tip that’s visible above the water represents conscious thoughts and feelings, while the massive part submerged underwater represents the subconscious. Consciousness deals with the here and now, while the subconscious holds the hidden treasures and mysteries of the mind.

The Conscious Mind

The conscious mind is like the captain of a ship, responsible for making decisions and steering the course. It processes thoughts, emotions, and perceptions that people are aware of at any given moment.

The Subconscious Mind

The subconscious mind is like a giant storage room, filled with all sorts of memories, feelings, and experiences. It operates behind the scenes, influencing behavior and decision-making without people even realizing it.

The Role of the Subconscious in Daily Life

The subconscious is like a silent partner, always working in the background to shape the way people think, feel, and act. It plays a crucial role in various aspects of daily life, such as:

Memory Storage

The subconscious mind is like a giant filing cabinet, storing memories and experiences that the conscious mind can’t hold onto all at once. It keeps these memories safe until they’re needed again.

Habit Formation

Habits are like well-worn paths in the subconscious mind. The more often a behavior is repeated, the deeper the path becomes, and the more automatic the habit becomes.

Emotional Processing

The subconscious mind helps process emotions, especially those that are difficult or overwhelming. It’s like a pressure release valve, allowing people to cope with intense feelings without being overwhelmed.

Examples of Subconscious Influences

The subconscious mind can be quite the puppet master, pulling strings without people even realizing it. Let’s explore some examples of how the subconscious influences daily life.

Subconscious Memory Recall

Ever walk into a room and forget why? The subconscious mind stores that information, and sometimes it takes a little extra effort to jog the memory. It’s like digging through a messy drawer to find a missing sock.


Dreams are like postcards from the subconscious mind. They can be a way for the mind to process unresolved emotions or memories, even though the dreamer might not consciously remember them when awake.

Gut Reactions

Ever get a gut feeling about something or someone? That’s the subconscious mind at work, using past experiences and memories to make snap judgments. It’s like having a built-in warning system, alerting people to potential dangers or opportunities.

Unconscious Bias

Unconscious biases are like hidden booby traps in the subconscious mind. They can influence how people perceive and treat others, even if they’re not aware of these biases themselves.

Harnessing the Power of the Subconscious Mind

Learning to tap into the subconscious mind is like discovering a hidden superpower. By understanding and working with the subconscious, people can unlock their full potential and make positive changes in their lives. Techniques like meditation, hypnosis, and positive affirmations can help access and reprogram the subconscious mind, opening up a world of possibilities for personal growth and transformation. So, the next time the subconscious mind comes to mind, remember to appreciate its mysterious and powerful influence on everyday life.

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