It was first built in 1863 by a man named James White. The stunning building has a storied past of being owned by an industrialist turned baron, housing injured soldiers during the war, and then hosting a Christian center after being donated to the people of Dumbarton, a nearby village.
There’s also another reason you and your furry pupper traveling partner want to visit the beautiful grounds.
You want to see the infamous Overtoun Bridge — AKA the Dog Suicide Bridge of Scotland — and find out if there was anything to the rumors.
What is the Overtoun Bridge?
James White occupied the grounds for a few decades but wanted to traverse the nearby gorge leading to a waterfall. As his residence was already built in a lovely Victorian style, he commissioned an ornate bridge to match the grandiose architecture.
The result was a triple-arched stone bridge you wouldn’t be surprised to see if it was built 1000 years earlier, let alone just 100 as it is today.
First completed in 1895, the bridge lived for half a century in anonymity, with nary a news piece nor internet article written about it.
But then something peculiar started happening in the 1950s, at least according to the rumors.
People would stroll down the road with their furry best friend, admire the beauty of the architecture, nearly traverse the entirety of the bridge when all of a sudden, their dog would stop, turn around, and leap up and over wall, hurtling down 50 ft (15 m) below.
Why do dogs jump off the Overtoun Bridge?

Since the 50s, local researchers think at least 300 to 600 dogs have lept over the bridge in a similar fashion, with unfortunately around 50 assumed to have died.
People aren’t exactly sure why the dogs keep leaping over the bridge in this medievalish environment, but they all agree they keep doing it.
There are a few running theories, of course.
Many locals are convinced the dogs can see something we can’t. That there is logic and reason behind their attempted suicides, one that we can’t yet decipher. And of course, by that, they mean ghosts.
But which ghost could be beckoning dogs to death’s doorstep?
One theory is about James White’s son and daughter-in-law. After the old man passed away, his son took up residence with his wife, Grace Eliza McClure, the White Lady of Overtoun.
Her husband died not too long after the bridge was built, and she was believed to have spent years wandering back and forth in the local countryside. Some think her ghost still wanders the bridge today. Some people are crazy.
The other paranormal theory relates to an unfortunate incident in the 1990s when a schizophrenic man threw his baby off the bridge. While he was soon hospitalized for mental illness, many think this catastrophe was enough to spurn a permanent ghostly presence, which for some reason hates dogs.
Or maybe the minks did it?

Then we have the non-paranormal believers, even if their theories are somewhat, well, not normal at all.
Dr. David Sands, an animal psychologist, believes the explanation is twofold. First, he notes the wall of the bridge and the surrounding greenery might fool dogs’ senses into thinking there isn’t a drop-off at all, or that it’s just a few feet instead of 50.
Additionally, he thinks the smell of certain animals living below the bridge must be driving the dogs’ urge to leap. In particular, he blames minks, those fluffy cute little beasts the aristocracy use to make into coats.
He set up experiments showing dogs, especially long-nosed breeds with a particularly good sense of smell, would pounce whenever the scent of minks was introduced to them.
People have challenged his theory, though.
First by claiming minks don’t exist in the area (later proven wrong) and second by asking why dogs don’t jump off other bridges in the area where minks also might reside.
And since no one can seem to answer the second question, many people come to the only logical conclusion available — which is ghosts, ‘cuz…duh.
It’s little mysteries like this that remind me humanity has so much left to explore and figure out in this crazy little world of ours.
And it often reminds me how quickly people subscribe knowns to unknowns, basking in the comfort of superstitions instead of facing uncomfortable truths — that there are things we don’t yet have explanations for.
If you want to visit the scenic spot, the Overtoun House itself has a tea room serving food and drinks, hiking trails, historic gardens, and ample room for picnics. It’s also been used as a set in the movie Cloud Atlas, where actor Tom Hanks spoke the “true, true.”
If you’re bringing a dog, be sure to keep it on a tight leash, lest evil ghosts or smelly minks be nearby.
J.J. Pryor
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